Story 162

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Hey! I'm iiRoseTerec, and this is my story!

Now, this bullying started in Highschool.

I was always focused with my grades, wanted to make new friends, and get good scores so I could get in a good college.

My best friend and I were walking down the hall this one day, and this bully came up to me and pushed me in a locker, calling me fat.

Me or my best friend didn't know why, because I was way underweight for a while during that time.

My best friend stood up for me, we hugged, end of story right?


After one gets you, people think you're weak, so more come, like you're a magnet.

After me, they started bullying my best friend, I stood up, she never even had that sad emotion her eyes.

She was strong.

Last year, a bunch of bullies were coming at me and her.

Then, last year I get a call from my best guy friend.

My best friend and best guy friend were studying with eachother, so I had no idea why he call.

He tells me to come quickly, worry in his voice.

I start to panick, was there a murderer? Was there a criminal of some sort? Things like that went through my mind.

I got there I remember literally running as fast as a could.

But, it was worse than those two things combined.

My best friend since kindergarten, the one that was my role model, the one that was strong. Was in her closet with a jump rope choking her.

She committed suicide....

I fell to my knees crying.

Her parents soon came home and we all cried 'till we called the ambulance.

In remembrance of her, I died my hair sky blue because that was her favorite color

I got a tattoo on my arm saying stay.

Now, I'm the one that sticks up for people.

What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?

Name calling and only a little of psychical

How old were you when the bullying started?

I was 16

Who bullied you (please be vague by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)?

Class mate

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

Sad, Depressed, Worthless

How did you feel after being bullied?

Scared, I got anxiety attacks also.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

I didn't tell anybody

Why/why not?

Because, I was too scared that the bullies were going to hurt me

How long were you bullied for?

I was bullied for 1 year

Are you still being bullied?

Only a little.

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