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Hello id like to share my bullying story so here it gose...

When i was in kindergarten my teacher wasnt the best teacher ever. Being a stupid kid i dint pay attention or behave like other kids apparently i was put on phills for it it dint help. I was helled back and soon that made me taller than the rest of the grade after time which in 5th grade (middle school ) i was called tall freack or stupid becuase i dint really know that many times problems i know its stupid and its hard to make friends when your the tallest girl in your grade no one would sit by me if they did they said no word to me. I was always picked last of partners and usally stuck with a kid who has problems or picks there nose or something. At some point I wasnt being called by my name just tall freack or loser or lamo. I did have friends GIRL1 shortest in my grade and 2 other girls named GIRL2 and GIRL3 they wernt in my class so I only saw them time to time. I was soon bullyed even worse! For likeing my little pony i got rid of all my toys after that and stuff animals i cryed over it.... I do have this other friend or i dont even know if i should call her my 'freind' she always makes me take blame for stuff i dint do sometimes she would say go away no one likes you id walk back to my desk this guy next to me named BOY1 would always try to talk to me. BOY1 would say hey and stuff id sit there doing my work not even makeing eye contact. I bite myself sometimes and scratch its self harm with out cutting. I get very depressed and i just wanna die sometimes i tell no one over my problems... please help me i dont wanna feel this way any more i just wanna kill myself


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