Story 426

274 11 1

Hi, so when I was in preschool I was bullied physically by I guy who I would later have a middle school rivalry with. I mean, he's nice now, but back then he had some pretty mean things to say. When I was little, I loved to play with what was generally stereotyped as "boys" playthings. Like plastic tools and dinosaurs and stuff. So he would say things to me, and at one point I remember looking at a book shelf with one of my friends and him popping up and punching me in the nose. That ended pretty fast though because he went to a private school while I went to public elementary school. Then, when I was in about second grade, my neighbor, who used to be my best friend, started saying things about me and spreading rumors. And he got this girl who I was best friends with to do that with him. Granted that all ended by fourth grade. The most recent thing was at summer camp. This was about a month ago. Basically this group of guys that the girls I went to camp with started hanging out with took this girls iPod with her permission ((this girl was my best friend since I was one)) and started texting me inexcusable things that I'm not going to repeat. I literally broke down and started crying because my "friends" weren't doing anything. I told them that if they hung out with those guys anymore that I would never talk to them again. Honestly, I felt like utter shit. This was at a camp and I didn't feel safe. The day that all went down I was eating lunch and some kid said cosplay and now I have a group of friends. But I will probably never forgive those people.

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