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My first experience with being bullied was in the first grade when an older kid grabbed me by the wrist because I said, "Hey guys." The bully then slammed my wrist down. The next time I would experience being bullied is when I moved to a new school and the bully threatened to break my glasses.The bullies would rumors spread about me, slapped me on the side of my face, make fun of me because I chewed my nails and made fun of my shyness. Being bullied at a young age made me even more shy, and would have an impact on my self esteem. I grew up not liking myself. I believed I didn't deserve to have a voice and speak up. Now that I'm in my mid twenties, I want kids to know who are being bullied to always be yourself. Never be ashamed of who you are. You have strength in yourself, you don't know you had in you. Always tell an adult, a parent, or anyone who will listen. You have a right to speak up. You have a right to be heard. You have a right to walk into school to get an education and not have to worry about getting beaten up. Your not alone.

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