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So, this happened in grade 4 or 5 (I'm not sure).

At my school it was kinda rare for people to be bullied just because our school is pretty well managed. I was always shy and I still kinda am but it got to the point where I wouldn't speak to anyone besides the teacher, my friends and family.

There was this one guy that went to my school and he used to call me names, whenever the teacher asked me a question I usually didn't answer it and he'd yell something like "she's not speaking again" across the room. He used to call me names also.

There was this one day at school where we had to do a play and I was put in a group with him and I wouldn't say my lines because I was too scared that he would say something mean about me but whenever I did talk he'd say something like "oh my god it's talking" or "ohh look she's talking for once"

As him and all his friends got older into higher grades we got put in seperate classes and now I'm with my 4 best friends and i couldn't be happier but at the moment me and my one best friend that I've known for a instantly long time (hint- longer then 8 years) have been getting into little arguments and on a daily basis she calls me things like stupid and dumb but I don't let it get to me because she my best friend and if I let her go she'll take all my other friends with her and most importantly I'm not really to loose her.

(Wow that got deep AF)

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