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How and where do I begin....? I guess it all started when I was in my first or second year of kindergarten until fourth grade.

I attended this private school at the time and compared to every other students I wasn't born into a rich family (but my family wasn't poor either, just well off.) My family's financial status was a minor reason as to why I was bullied because it was mainly my appearance that made me a target. I was "chubby" and because of that name calling and little pranks happened quite often. The small group in my class that bullied me did things like: pull my chair, pull my hair, purposely misplacingmy belongings, accuse me of stealing toys, etc.

Although I did feel hurt and troubled by it all, I didn't tell the teachers much less my parents. Kids can be mean, everyone knows that. I know that. Plus, I believed then that no one would take my side even if I did say something about it.

At any case, they couldn't bully me anymore after kindergarten because we all went to different elementary schools. I had hoped that it was the end of it but I was still made fun of for the same reason for four years of elementary.

Few individuals mainly resorted to name calling, yanking of hair (sometimes it was cut), and a song about my appearance. I got accustomed to being called a pig, fat, fat rolls, ugly, and Betty La Fea (solely because I had glasses) after a while.

Looking back now, I laugh at how creative and dedicated my bullies were to bullying me. Heck, they made a song about my fat rolls. That's pretty impressive. It may come a shock to some but I'm close friends with one of them now. He changed after all so who am I not to forgive the guy?

Although things did get from bad to worse, I had friends who would protect and care for me. I also got through it by thinking someone else probably experienced it as well and that I'm not really alone.

Even if people still mean things about me sometimes, I just laugh it off and/or say "thank you". It really throws them off. Main thing is, life gets better and sometimes you have to make it better for yousrself. 

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