Story 345

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hello, this is the story of when I was bullied in third grade.

I was friends with a girl (not going to say name) and we were best friends. But she would always tell me that I was ugly or stupid or weird. She just made me feel bad about myself. One day I was sick from school and when I came back she had a new friend. I tried to hang out with them both, but the new friend hated me. One day when we left for lunch I left my journal on my desk and went happily to lunch. When I came back, it was gone and there was a note on my desk saying 'you're ugly and stupid, no one likes you.' I came home crying.

2 weeks later a boy came up to me and handed me my journal, and said 'Everyone hates you.' I looked over to see my former friend and her new friend standing in the corner pointing and laughing at me. They screamed 'Go ahead! Open it!' I did and on every page I wrote on there were comments like 'you suck at drawing' 'real talented at writing, just kidding!' 'we hate you, just like everyone else' I walked straight over to them and said 'You used to make me so mad, but not anymore. You think you're funny but you're not. You mean nothing to me, and next year this won't mean anything.' I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't affected from this incident, I was. I have social anxiety, and generalized anxiety. But I can overcome anything and so can you!

Sweetie, it gets better I promise. I have now written two novels, have a great best friend who makes me feel great about myself, and do some work at the local antique shop! Stay strong guys!

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