Story 372

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Thefirst time was in 5th grade when I was first bullied. I had a friend that no one liked and she was being bullied by a guy and basically the whole class. I stood up for her one day and they stopped bullying her. Unfortunately I was their new target.

I was underweight do to the fact I didn't have an appetite and I took ADHD medication. I also had to attend school counciling for the ADHD. I also loved books and wasn't that sociable.

They picked on me so bad for it too. I was bullied at school every day. And everybody was secretly talking about me behind my back. It wasn't just during school but after school too. I played basketball and practice was after school. The girls on the team were all older. And they didn't like me for some reason.

The coaches daughter was on the team too and for some reason she despised me. But every time she saw my little sister she would squeal in delight.

Anyways back to the boy.

He would call me names and shove me sometimes too. Everyone would play kickball in the field during recess. But I wouldn't because I thought he would harm me during the game saying it was an accident.

I told the principle and guess what she did?

She yelled at me and sent me to the school counciler for anger problems!!!

But then I moved and everything was great.

Or so I thought...

7th grade

Nothing much really was happening. I had my three best friends and I couldn't be happier. But then friend 1 and friend 2 started bringing in more people. I should've been like friend 3 and got out of the group sooner but I didn't.

The people that friend 1 and friend 2 brought in didn't like me. At all for a reason I'm still trying to find out. But very soon I was just another person at the school lunch table.

They ignored me and pretended I didn't exist. Whenever they would talk about stuff they wouldn't include me. And when I would speak up they would just cut me off. They would talk about having sleepovers and birthdays right in front of my face and not even invite me and even act like I was there at all.

But one day made me so angry that I flat out broke down and cried but i couldnt show them i was crying so I had to go to the bathroom to actually cry.

It was the last day of school before Christmas Break and people were passing out presents in the hallway. My "friends" were giving out presents. They passed them over me like I was invisible and everyone got something except me. No one even talked to me or even said have a good Christmas.

But then like a month or two later I finally asked my creush out. I joined his group and made some really good friends.

Happy ending right? Not so quite.

8th grade

Not really bullying but...

Me and "him" were together for over 9 months. I thought I was in love. That somebody actually cared for me sooo much and thought I was beautiful. He even attempted to kiss me 3 times. But I didn't notice until the third time but of course I turned my head.

Anyways I had a bad feeling one day. And sure enough my boyfriend said he needed to talk to me. I was on my way to lunch when he said to meet me outside in between the buildings which is on the way to lunch.

I meet him and had a bad feeling about this conversation I was about to have with him. I thought about him all the time and would always include him into a conversation. He made me feel important. But I put the bad feeling away and ignored it.

He broke up with me. The real reason for him doing that I still do not know. He left me standing there flabbergasted. When he had said those words I literally felt my heart break. I went to tell my friend and she didn't believe me at first.

But I went to sit with her at lunch along with some of my other friends. You remember those girls that I thought were friends? Well they came up to me and asked if I was okay. Word spreads like wildfire in school.

Here's the bad part.

I didn't really know how to live anymore. I didn't talk to my family or friends that much. And I would avoid seeing or talking to "him" at all costs. He wasn't even that bad of a guy. Even after the breakup he was nice to me.

But I didn't even cry over him until my sister came back from being at my grandparents for the weekend. I slept in her bed and she soothed me as I cried myself to sleep.

I still have the fog in my head even though it has died down by a lot it will never truly go away.

But I had a good ending. I ended up with the most loyal people as friends. Even though I've moved again they still text me and talk to me every day.

One of those friends even recommended Wattpad and now I'm an Author/reader. Thanks to her I have found out who I truly am.

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