Story 143

755 32 10

It wasn't too long ago before I started feeling this way, I suppose... but the memories still hurt, the wounds still too fresh.

About 4th grade, when I first started getting acne and all that, a random kid came up to me, noticed it, laughed, and called me ugly. All of my class was around, except for my teacher. They laughed... since none of them were my friends, I guess they felt like they could do that.....

The year after, it got so much worse. My sister became depressed and got random mood swings.My guardian became crueler then they already were, said I was stupid, useless, and beat me for doing nothing. At school, I was still begin called ugly, but I had more friends who wouldn't stand up for me. too scared, I suppose.....

Someone finally saw I wasn't too ugly... He was a great friend, but I had no idea he liked me. Turns out, he used me. That's when I started having thought of killing myself. He himself felt bad, and ran out into a highway and got ran over. That didn't help me feel any better.

In 6th grade, our teacher was terrible. I wrote a paragraph too long, and she laughed. Someone else did, and she said I had the M/N plague.

Later, I volunteered to draw an Obtuse Triangle. She then whispered to the class, "She's so Obtuse!"

My mother then got a boyfriend, and they got drunk almost every night. When he was away, my mother used her drinking problems as an excuse to harm me.

The bullying still goes on, but I'm doing better. I have been diagonsed with Major Depression. Many people have tried to help me, but I think I'll remain broken. One day, I'll try to be okay, and all of this WILL stop.

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