Submission 1023

321 8 3

The type of bullying I have endured is

Teasing and name calling

How old I was when it started was

7 years old

Who bullied me were

The popular boys in my grade and a couple of highschoolers and a girl from my grade

The highschoolers would tease me about becoming just like my brother the guys my grade bullied me about my physical appearance because I am a bit of a late bloomer and have just now started to develop

How I felt during it was

Weak and useless

How I felt after was weak useless and depressed

Did anything help cope with my feelings?

Yes music and being able to talk to friends

Have I ever self harmed or fallen into a state of depression?

Yes I have I have done both

Have I ever contemplated suicide?

Yes I have but never went through with it

Have I told anyone I know about my bulling

I told my mom and brother about the highschoolers but not about the other to because my brother could deal with the highschoolers and my mom can talk to the principal

How long was I bullied for?

Five years now and not at the moment because I just switched schools

And one more thing I only did everything I did because I took there words to heart I shouldn't have and by the time someone came to try and fix me it was too late and I would never wish what I have had to go through on anyone not even my worst enemy

ADVICE: Don't handle bullying the way I did I came out a mess keep your head held high and don't let them get to you people bully because of there own issues so it has nothing to do with you you are perfect just way you are

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