Submission 631

283 6 2

What type of bulling did you experience? 

 Teasing, name calling.

How old were you? 


Who bullied you? 

 Old classmates

What would the bullies say or do to you? 

 One of them harassed me by calling me a cheater and wouldn't leave me alone. Another one called me ugly and made rude comments about me. Etc

How did you feel while you were being bullied? 

I felt horrible.

Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied? 


Have you ever told anyone you know that you were bullied? 


Why/why not? 

I told my mom because one day I didn't want to go to school because of the bully who harassed me with cheating.

How long were you bullied for? 

 It started 3rd grade(#2-3 months( when I moved back to where I was born. I happened in 5th grade as well (for 3-4months).

Are you still being bullied?


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