Submission 926

646 20 6

I have (currently still am) being bullied. But the person that is bullying me has no face because it's my "friends" and my "family". Everyday I am reminded of how much of a failure I am. I've been hurt so much that I started an act. I ACT like I'm tough and nothing phases me. But in reality, even a small push can send me off the edge. I cannot take it any longer. Everyday I am called Gay, a Fag, Stupid, Goth, Emo, a waste of space, a mistake, that I should drink bleach, that I should just put a bullet inbetween my eyes. I've thought about it. Even had the .22 rifle in my mouth. All I had to do was pull, and the walls would've been painted a great shade of Chunky Red. But I didn't. Because I was a coward. And because I would prove everyone who said that I'd amount to nothing in life right. That was years ago. Now, 8 years later, as I sit lay here; finally telling my story, I realized something. That everyone has experienced something similar to each other. I am currently not eating, making an amazing painting of blood on my arms, silently screaming inside of my head, and blasting my hard core death metal. And I realize, yet again. That someone is going through the same things as me. Granted I still slice my wrists, I'm still not eating, still blasting my music; the only difference is, it's gotten less and less. To those telling me that I'd amount to nothing: I'd like to say that I am now an elite ; a part in the United States Marine Corp. and I'm proud of it. Don't let your haters get you down. Let them motivate you. You can do anything. But just don't pull/jump/slice/or drink. Because you can do so much more. Thank you for your time.

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