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One day I was hanging out with my bf before school when no teachers were outside supervising. All of a sudden, these 8th graders come up and start talking trash about me and my friends and we were done being the victim. They called us losers and nerds and literally pushed us to the ground. I'm the one that got up and fought for them. I told the bullies to leave us alone or else. They didn't leave and punched me in the nose. My BF stood up for me but he didn't have the strength I have( he self harms I have his permission to say this) so eventually we had to physically stand up for ourselves but I was mainly fighting for my friends. I ended up beating the bully and not even having to face a punishment

ADVICE: Please do not take it to the measures I did and try to beat the bully up. You should try to walk away or tell an adult. Don't let the bully see you scared or sad.

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