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I started getting bullied when I was 11 and it still goes on now and I am 16. I don't know if it will ever stop. I have starved myself, cut myself and have contemplated suicide. Luckily I have a little will power left in me to make sure I don't let the bullies win. I won't kill myself as much as I want to sometimes because I know that's what the bullies want and I don't want to give them that. I still don't eat enough and cut myself but if I didn't I wouldn't be here. I don't think I'm strong but I have been through a lot for a 16 year old. I started to get bullied because I was quite a fat child. Then when I was sexually assaulted, I told my who I thought was my best friend and she told the whole school. And because my school is horrible, they didn't do anything about it. My life is awful. My dad has never been in my life, my mom is in and out of it. I live with my mom but she is barely ever home. My life sucks but I'm not going to give up hope yet. I am trying not to let the bullies win. 

ADVICE: Just make sure you don't let the bully or bullies win and tell someone. Although I do not have anyone sharing it on here helps slightly. Stay strong 

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