Story 412

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  I was first bullied in 6th grade I had 3 best friends who helped me through a lot of it. In 6th grade I tried my hardest to fit in wear "trendy clothes" make sure my hair was done every day. Through all my effort it did not cover up the fact that I was bigger then most of my peers and wore glasses.

My friends started hanging around boys and the boys would flirt with all of my friends but me, which I didn't mind. Later on I wondered if it was because I wasn't pretty enough. One of the boys began to call me names like "ugly, chubby" or things of that sort and it made me feel disgusting.

I began to realize I was no where near as pretty as my friends, and that boy constantly reminded me that I was not pretty enough. Later on I was allowed to wear makeup and so I covered my face in it, wishing to beautiful.

In 7th grade things got better, I made more friends learned to not deal with what was being dealt. In 9th grade things went down hill. My father figure died after an accident at work. I began to loose hope and was looking for any support system, thats when a boy came into my life.

I only had boys that were friends never a boy friend. He was my support system for awhile. Other girls began to bully me for being with him saying things such as"I'm prettier then you, I don't know why he'd choose you" "why would he choose to be with a girl with such a flat chest".

They'd even go out of their way to tell him how I wasn't good enough. I think once you get told something enough you start to believe it, because thats exactly what happened he believed I was not good enough.

He began to say things to intentionally hurt me such as "god I wish I would have chosen her", "well aren't you a chunky monkey". Then he began to flirt with other girls infront of me, he'd show me his "sexts" to other girls. I didn't know what to do I didn't want to leave because I felt so alone.

He began to tell me he wished he was single but I needed him and he couldn't "hurt me like that". After awhile I grew more and more sick of it. I was feeling suicidal and I needed to feel okay. I tried to talk to my friends but he would not allow me to hangout or talk to anyone but him, I just wanted my friends.

So one day he came over and he was being rude, I began to cry after awhile, thats when he laughed. I knew right then that this was enough. I told him to leave, he just kinda laughed. The next week I was able to hangout with my best friends without feeling like I'd be bullied after for doing so.

I will never forget how amazing it felt to say good bye, because sometimes holding on hurts you more. After that I never was that dependent on a person, I had me and good friends to help.

I now am graduated and happy, I have off days but in the end life gets better. Every day I feel a little bit better about myself and I'm glad. Thank you for reading my story lots of love.❤

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