Submission 1042

392 12 3

1st grade -- 3rd grade...

I am just one to many people who are bullied. I don't know it at this age. I'm 6 - 8 years old here....

Myself: "OK. I can do this. They're just playing with me. Its just playing around.

Bully 1: *whispers with other bullies* Hey 'victim', come here!"

Myself: Hey guys! What's up?

Bully 2: Hey... Why do you keep wearing those socks with bows?

Myself: My mom picks them out. I like them.

Bully 3: Hmm. Well that's all we needed you for.

Myself: okay! Bye guys!

Myself to "friend": I think they're talking about me behind my back. Do you know what they're saying?

" friend ": no-no! I don't know...

Myself: its OK...

" Friend": *walks over to bullies* *whispers and laughs.*

4th - 5th

I figured it all out.... Same bullies

Bully 1: Hey victim. What are you doing! That's my chair. Why are you even sitting next to me?

Myself: I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Let me move for yo--

Bully 2: *pulls myself by hair out of seat and throws mW to the floor*

Bully 3: *kicks backpack*

Myself: *sits in shock about what just happened*

Bully 1: Maybe that'll teach you a lesson.

Myself: * hides as bullies walk down the hall* *runs into my class.*

Bully 4: Look who's here guys! Ugh. I thought I was going to have a good day today. But then ugly here showed up.

Classmates: *snickers*

Myself: "Here goes another day. Be firece - don't give in.

6th - 8th

I'm used to it...

Myself: Another day in this hell hole called society.

Bullies 1, and 2: Hey bi***! Where are you going?

Myself: safety.

Bully 3: Don't be a bi*** bout it! *shoves myself into wall*

Myself: *getting kicked* STOP!

Bully 3: fine. We aren't done with you.

Bully 5: Hey there *wraps arm around me*

Myself: *shoves arm off* get off me.

Bully 1: Damn someone's sassy! You know what I --'


So that's basically what they do to me. Nobody deserves this.

1.) What type of bullying did you experience?

I experienced all types of bullying. It started out with verbal, then physical, then cyber.

2.) How old were you when the bullying started?

I was only 6 years old, and I was in the 1st grade.

3.) Who bullied you?

I was bullied by my classmates, and some of my friends. My own "friends" turned their backs on me.

4.) What would the bullies say to you?

They would tell me that I was ugly, and nobody liked me. It got worse as it went on. They started to call me trash, and other things I won't say - it's that bad.

5.) How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt worthless like they said I was. I felt ugly and trashy, and that nobody loved me. Simply unwanted.

6.) His did you feel after being bullied?

Afterwards, I would feel horrible. I would cry a lot. The worst part is when you finish crying, and then you just lay there emotionless. That's how I felt.

7.) Did anything help you cope with that feeling?

Music. Music was my escape. I learned to play the viola and piano, and I'm currently teaching myself guitar. It was an amazing feeling when the song understood me more than a person. Drawing and writing was another thing. It gave me something to do. I'd get it all own on paper by writing, and then, I would draw to get my mind off if it.

8.) Have you ever self-harmed and/or fallen into a state of depression as a result of being bullied?

I used to self-harm a lot. All over my arm, my waist, and legs. They weren't deep enough to leave a permanent scar, but some were. I have fallen into a state of depression, and it's like you're stuck in a stupid rut. I'm still stuck in this stupid rut.

9.) Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied?

Many times. I've thought of it, and there was only 2 things holding me back. My friends and family, and how I was going to do it.

10.) Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

Eventually, I told someone. I should've done it way sooner.

11.) Why/why not?

I thought I wouldn't have to because I was strong and fierce, but I was getting weaker and I needed help. There's nothing wrong with needing help.

12.) How long were you bullied for?

I've been bullied for 7 years. Its been a long rough journey, but it's not over yet.

13.) Are you still being bullied?

Yes. Verbally and physically. But I'm going to make in through. I have 3 REAL friends, and that's all I need. They are my family; they're like sisters to me. I wouldn't be herd without them. And I'm grateful. Even after all the things I've been through, I still wouldn't want to be anybody else.


QUESTION: How do I get them to stop? I ask them what I did to them but they never answer.

ADVICE: If you're being bullied, don't hesitate getting help. There's absolutely nothing wrong with getting help.

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