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It all started in 6th grade. I had an iPod touch, and I decided to have an instagram account. I posted silly pictures of my friends and I, and I was hoping that people would appreciate my silliness and the fun I liked to have with them.

Instead, I got very crude, mean comments saying: Hah, she's a retard. She's an idiot. etc. I cried over it. I decided then that I would delete my instagram account, and just live my life normally because of how much it hurt inside.

Once I deleted my instagram, I went back to school the next day, and everyone was pointing at me, and gossiping about me right in front of my face, saying how I was a loser because I couldn't handle what they had said about me on instagram. Even my own friends turned on me. It hurt so bad.

I decided to tell my teachers, but they told me to deal with it on my own. I cried at their answer, and told my parents. They said the same thing.

Once I went to middle school, it got worse. People calling me a slut, whore, and spreading false, dirty, rumours about me. I cried at home, alone in my room after school, but smiled around my parents to hide my true emotions.

It went on until the end of 8th grade. I felt so alone, unliked, unloved, and so sad. Even my new friends had joined in on it. I only had two friends that I could trust, but were bullied for being my friend. They showed me love, and loved me, when no one else at school did.

I thank my true friends that were there for me all throughout middle school. Now they've moved away, but I am happy because now I know, that even though I may get bullied again in high school, I have friends that will stick with me through thick and thin.

What type of bullying did you experience?

I experienced emotional bullying, as well as cyber bullying.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I was in 6th grade.

Who bullied you?

My old friends, and classmates.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt worthless, hurt, like no one cared about me. I felt like everyone was targeting me, and no one else. I felt alone. I felt scared.

How did you feel after being bullied?

I felt relieved that no one was bullying me, but I was sad because I had no friends.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

I told my teachers, but they said to deal with it. I told my best friends at youth group that didn't bully me, and they comforted me afterwards. I told my parents, and they said that it was part of growing up, and to have thicker skin.

Why/Why not?

Because I was hurting, and sad inside, and I felt that I needed to tell someone about it.

How long were you bullied for?

I was bullied from 6th to the end of 8th grade.

Are you still bullied?

I have no idea yet. I haven't gone back to school, and I won't until August 19th. I hope not.

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