Story 111

836 37 5

I'm a teenage Muslim girl. I got picked on by three built girls who tower over me in size and muscles.I got punched,sworn at and called hurtful names because of my hijab(Muslim head-covering)and my religion.I found talking to my teachers and parents just made it worse.When I would run away I was called a coward , which I hated. After long days of hardship,I finally built the courage to stand up to them.I told them how it felt to be bullied,how much it hurt .Surprisingly they stopped.

At that moment I realized words spoken from the inner heart changes souls.

What type of bullying did you experience?

Name calling and physical altercations.

How old were you when the bullying started?

11 years old.

Who bullied you?

Three built and tall girls who were my classmates.

How did you you feel when you were bullied?

Scared , insecure,ashamed.

How did you feel after being bullied?

Hurt and grief-stricken

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

Yes , I told my parents and teachers but it didn't seem to help.

Why/why not?

I was bullied because of my hijab(Muslim head covering) and my religion.

How long were you bullied?

2 years.

Are you still bullied?

I'm so grateful that I'm not.

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