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I had just moved schools. I was the new girl in second grade. I had made a friend, a GOOD friend, a BFF, I guess, and life was going ok for me. Then the boys showed up. My bullies. They made every day miserable. They called me names, they annoyed me to no end, and they made sure I dreaded going to school each day. I still remember one incident in where I lost 2 "Jet Dollars" because a bully had made me interrupt the class when the teacher was talking (We had a substitute that day, however). Skip to 6th grade because I can't remember anything prior at the moment. There was a new guy in my class. He lived in the same apartment complex, took the same bus, and had all of my classes (math, block (basically electives), and homeroom stuff). I had now 3 friends, but one moved to California, so I usually talked over phone (This friend was the girl I first communicated with in 2nd grade, mentioned earlier). I thought I could make friends, and hopefully get along with him. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. In fact, this guy heard every little rumor about me that floated around, and decided to join in on the action. Now, and I still do this, I fight bullying. I don't suffer in silence, but I try to stand up for myself. However, I've never been good with witty comebacks. This guy tortured me on the bus, annoyed me during classes, called me names, and even cussed to my face a couple times (I hated cussing at the time). One day, it was a day where I just felt ready to break, and I ran home crying. I thought nothing would change, and I just wanted it to end. I prayed to God (Yeah, I'm christian, don't beat me up over it, plus I usually don't pray) that the next day, it would all be over. My prayer was answered, and the Courage Retreat came up. It was an event in the 6th grade to help stop bullying. Well, when it ended, not only did it help, but after the little speeches some of us gave, I had people that bullied me say sorry to my face, some even CRYING. Even the guy who had broken me just yesterday said it. However, he didn't mean it. He NEVER meant anything good when it came to me. He continued to harrass me, and I did break a couple more times. But that's over. I'm now in eighth grade. I have more friends than I ever did, and while I'm still bullied in school, I can say it's better than it was. Unfortunately, it hasn't stopped people from annoying me and talking about me behind my back, but I'm ok. I'm better than ever. On Wattpad, I'm clairebear1093. I have met so many people here, whether they were good or bad. Overall, good. GREAT. I love coming home and seeing my friends right after school. I'm grateful for my life. I want you, yes you, the reader, to be happy for yours right now. Because I believe nothing happens without a purpose. If you're having a rough time like I am, I just want you to know, your friends will be there for you. If they turn on you? They weren't your friends at all. But please, know that true, kind-hearted people will always be there for you. I will too. There's always a silver lining in a gloomy sky.

What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?

Teasing, name calling, and the occasional cyberbullying.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I can't remember, around 6 or 7?

Who bullied you (please be vauge by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)?

These guys in my grade. It was like they were a big group.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt defensive, and after that, I shut anyone who wasn't my friend OUT. I couldn't trust anyone else. And due to past life incidents, I still have trust issues today.

How did you feel after being bullied?

Broken. Like my world suddenly turned into a raging, Earthly version of Hell.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? Why/why not?

I tried to tell the teachers, but they never did anything good enough for them to stop. My friends knew I was bullied too, because the rumors always tended to spread to the whole grade. As for why, I can't exactly put that into words...

How long were you bullied for?

2nd grade - present day.

Are you still being bullied?


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