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The bullying started in 5th grade....classmates would call me names and make fun of me. Constantly laugh at me and make me feel worthless. My dad had to drag me to school. Then I moved schools... I was excited because I knew things were going to get better or so I thought.... I started middle school and classmates continued to call me names such as: dumb, ugly, annoying. Classmates would say "ew look who I have to deal with." And others would respond "ew I feel bad for you." I felt worthless and I just wanted to disappear. Now I still get talked about, laughed at, and hated on But, honestly I could careless now. I don't care what anyone thinks of me and I love myself. Yes, I still have daily struggles, and battle depression everyday but, I know things will be ok and I know I can do this. Just remember others opinions don't define you. Be who you want to be.

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