Submission 782

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My name is Aurora and I go to Harrison schools. Here is a story of when I got bullied.

I was 8 years old when I first got bullied. The people that bullied me were middle schoolers. I mainly got bullied on bus. I got bullied because I was too smart, too tall, too skinny, my hair was the only red head in the school and I had too many freckles. Really just allot of stupid stuff, but to an 8 year old that's a different story. They bullied me until I peed myself. And the thing is, the bus driver, bus garage and the principle did nothing about it.

I also got physically bullied as well. I got shoved, a sled thrown at me, boot to the forehead and my arm almost got broken twice. But there was one special person that was always there to help me up. Me and her are still friends. I bank her almost every day for being there for me.

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