Story 460

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It was in my Freshman year; I was 13 I think. In our county, two schools (a middle school over the hill and a west school under the hill) combine to go to high school together. The Bully was from the middle school and I was from the west school. The bullying first started out as harmless, but it just got worse from there. He stuffed a piece of carp (literal crap) in my face and tried to make me eat it. He would always tell me that I didn't belong there and that I should go kill myself. Nobody knew except for me. He always called me names like Slug and Bitch. It was the first time I had ever been bullied, so I didn't know what to do. One day, I stuck up for myself. He cuseed me out, then the teacher walked in and heard him. He was sent to the office and put in detention. We're on good terms now, but it was awful. I still get bullied about my acne and the way I dress, but I just stick up for myself and it stops. People, don't let others get to you. You're not alone. ♡

Are you still being bullied? 

I am still being bullied, but it's minor, and I know how to take care of it. Maybe going to college will make it go away :)

How did you feel while being bullied? 

I felt like literal trash when I was being bullied. Worse than losing a friend..

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? 

I've told people after it, and they were proud of me that I took up for myself.

How did you feel after being bullied? 

I feel good after that experience. I feel that I can take anything that comes my way! :)

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