Submission 771

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When I was in second grade, I was behind in math because the year before I was in a coma for a month. Anyways, the teacher always called on me for math problems and when I didn't get the right answer, which was often, she would call me stupid and I would cry right in front of the class all the time. It didn't help my ego that the year before, my dad used to call me stupid too (My parents are divorced now). The next year in third grade, I had an awesome teacher! The only thing was that a boy in my class called me dumb. At lunch when the yard duties weren't looking, he would throw his metal water bottle at me which was pretty heavy since it was full o water. I'd come home with bruises and I sometimes would fake being sick just so I didn't have to deal with it. Currently, I'm still terrible at math and I feel like I'm a disappointment to everyone. 

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