Story 287

771 27 11

In 5th grade, I had a lot of friends. I had one since my crawling days, who I could tell anything to. She moved away. I felt lonely, but shook it off, realizing I still had others. Then the start of 6th grade happened. I was happy and smiled a lot. I had left 5th on bad terms with Friend. The start of 6th, she pretended it never happened, so I decided to brush it off. I had lost a lot of friends over the summer, we just lost contact. I only had Friend. Though, I don't know if I like that. Friend insults me.

"You're ugly."

"Shut up."

"You're annoying."

"You should've never been born."

"No one likes you."

Though I couldn't leave her, cause I was scared of being alone. Friend cuts herself. So do I. Friend starves herself. So do I. Friend has thoughts of suicide. So do I. I thought we could connect, but she crawled out of depression by dumping it on me.

I felt empty. I'm nearly mute. I now have anxiety. Friend ruined my happiness. I rarely smile now.

Then, I met Friend2 and Friend3. They made me smile. They made me lift my anxiety. We screamed our favorite band's lyrics at recess. It was fun. They have the depression, too, so we all helped each other. Though, they slowly pushed me away, and they are friends with Friend. Friend2 was closer to me, though Friend3 and I grew kind of close. Though, as they pushed me away, I felt lonelier, missing them.

I read a lot, sitting out to read. No one pays attention, and my Friend4 from 4th, joined the popular girls, practically their leader, so it's impossible to hang out with her.

Friend 1 = Insults

Friend 2 = Left

Friend 3 = Left

Friend 4 = Left

Everyone leaves me in my life and I have developed trust issues. I also cut myself from the loneliness and words.

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