Story 431

345 17 7

Heya, let's see. The bullying started when I was 4. Idk why they bullied me. Maybe because I was shy? They would call me "bitch" "slut" and "asshole" they was preschoolers! And yet, they called me that. Then, the next year, it's started to be physical. They shoved me, punched me, and kicked me. No one cared. 1st grade: i was the smartest kid. "Bookworm!" "Show off!" "Loser!" So I started to fail on purpose. My parents was upset so I suffered the pain of bullying. It's became so hard that 2nd grade, I started to cut. Then they said "wanna-be!" 3rd grade, I took pills. It's didn't work. 4th grade. I tried again. I was in coma for 4 months. 5th grade. Its stopped. 6th grade, middle school. It's back. It countied until high school where I finally screamed "ENOUGH! I HAVE ENOUGH OF THIS I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF EVERY YEARS BC OF THIS MAYBE ONE DAY YOU WILL BE FAT AND OLD AND YOUR KIDS THINK YOURE A JOKE! I HATE YOU GUYS FOR THIS!"

Please don't kill or self harm. It's doesn't solve the problem. I was stupid for that. please. Don't I'm here for you! :)

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