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It all started when I moved to a new school when I started grade 6. For the first couple of days the people in my grade were nice then during time they started to bully me by calling me names, making fun of me/how I look and saying rude things about me to there friends. It went on through out the whole year and I would sometimes get sad about it but it didn't stop them.

In grade 7 it happened more and I would often break down in class, feel alone, sit alone and only have my 2 friends to talk to who became my friend when I started grade 6 and 2 twin brothers who defended me. The strongest boy in my grade that a lot of people were friends with bullied me as well and one time he threw a broom stick at me and no one cared mean while it happened in class. It went on through the whole school year like it did in grade 6 and I broke down more often.

In grade 8 a school closed and moved to ours and some of the new boys that were new in my grade were in my class so I was nice to them until they started to do what almost everyone else in my grade was yet they were nice to everyone else. It went on for about 3-4 months until the night I self harmed. I went to school the next day upset and my teacher saw the marks so he talked to me outside and I explained to him what was happening and things got better for a bit. The people that were mean to me in grade 6/7 stopped because they found out how badly it effected me and they felt bad so they stopped but the new guys continued even though they were nice to everybody else except me. They did it my whole grade 8 year and due to it I self harmed a lot, broke down a lot, sat by myself a lot and felt alone a lot. They still do most of things they did to me in grade 8 in high school and still continue to everyday.

In grade 9 when I started high school the first week everyone I met so far was nice but over time people started to say mean things about me, talk about me behind my back in bad ways and the new guys from grade 8 did it too. It got better after a few months but I self harmed a lot, broke down a lot, sit by myself a lot and feel alone a lot but I had some friends I could talk to about it. I felt sad everyday but I didn't show it a lot, I felt like committing suicide at times but never brought myself to it and this happened my whole grade 9 year. I had a lot of people I talked to in school but outside of school I am always by myself so I feel alone a lot due to that and the whole summer I was alone.

When grade 10 started some of things that happened in grade 9 happened this year so far. People would also laugh at me when I walked by or point at me with there friends and say things to each other while pointing or laughing. I sometimes ate lunch by myself like I often did in grade 9. I thought about suicide a bit and in the second week I broke down in the hall and just sat against the wall crying while no one was around. I still today feel alone and at times think about suicide and sit by myself too. I'm currently in grade 10 and all this has happened so far but I do have friends who make me feel better which I'm glad to have but I still sometimes feel alone and think the world would be better off without me. I try to stay strong but it's hard since it has happened to me for so long and still does at times but it slowly gets better. 

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