Story 471

493 10 2

The story is way too long and complicated to write so I'll just answer the questions n.n

What type of bullying did you experience?

Cyberbulling I guess. It was through anonymous text messages and Ask F.m.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I think 15. It got bad around my second semester of ninth grade.

Who bullied you?

It's kind of complicated since it was all anonymously but my old bestfriend was behind most of it. No one else has been confirmed. I do believe there were others.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

If I had to describe how I felt during that time with one word, I would have to say: alone.

I felt as though I was in a bubble, and the only others with me were my persecutors. Everyone else was on the outside, turning their backs. Oblivious. I felt like the world was against me (even though I knew it wasn't.)

How did you feel after being bullied?

I was afraid and bitter. I left school and secluded myself in my home (giving it the fancy title of "Homeschooling"). I lost all of my so-called friends, barely left the house even once a week, and even when I did I felt on the verge of a panic attack. Social anxiety, though never diagnosed. I hated myself for not seeing it sooner, I felt depressed. The only emotions I seemed to feel were anger and sadness. In all honesty I began to hate life. Actually the only thing that got me through was my determination to not abandon my family and writing.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

Yes. In the beginning the only people who knew were myself and the "friend" who was behind it. They pretended to be my Ally. I trusted them. Other than that I told a few other friends and my parents. None of them could help me, though even they could tell said friend was not to be trusted (even if I refused to believe it).

Why/why not?

People always say that "when you're being bullied DON'T keep it to yourself. Tell someone you trust. Get help." so that's what I did. Even though for me it didn't help my situation much. It is true that you SHOULD get help when you're being bullied. Keeping it to yourself is a big mistake.

But sometimes the only person who can save you is yourself.

How long were you bullied for?

If I'm being technical I guess I could pin the start back to the end of eighth grade (that's when I started getting messages).

But it didn't turn to bullying until the beginning of my second semester of ninth grade. Continuing until the end of that summer.

Are you still being bullied?

No. I put my foot down and put an end to it that summer. After eight months of threats and other verbal abuse I finally stopped denying it and cut that friend out of my life. All messages stopped almost immediately. Nearly three years later and I still have yet to receive any messages. I've slowly but surely put my life back together.

I'm a happier, better, person now because of this experience and I wouldn't take it back even if I had the chance to.

Just be strong and never EVER give in. Show these people (and life) whose boss. 

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