Submission 735

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Well when I moved from London to here in this school I was always the one that was last to be picked and the 1st to be ignored, at 1st I thought it was just because I'm the new kid but 3 weeks past and still I felt like an alien and that's when it happened I got punched in the face for no good reosen and the bully said "go back to London you fat ideot" it hert so after school I went home and told my mum and she said "its just that they need to get used to you that's all" but as the weeks past the bullying got worse and worse and the nomber of fights I got into because of it is unbalivable but I remember one with my so called "best friend" at the time started arguing with me so I pushed him because he was in my face and he punched me in the back and started kicking me as soon as I hit the floor but I got up and slammed his head into a wall and he grabbed a metal chair and slammed it into my ribs and there was blood and detentions for both of us but that was in primary school and me and him are okay now but I guess the bullying has never left me only now it's just verbal and hidden physical (for people who don't know what hidden phisical is it is where they physically hert you without getting cout so say like in rugby in a scrum they would punch your skin or kick your shins) and sadly it left me hert lonly and useless and I cut for the 1st time and that carried on for 2 years the bullying was that bad manly because I am pansexuals and I was a bit difrent in there eyes but I have stopped cutting and I have a strong relationship with my friends and I have a steady relationship with my girlfriend and the bullying has calmed down, now I get bullyed 10 times a month were I used to get bullyed 40 times a month so it has gotten better and I think the reosen I didn't vomit suicide is because I knew in the back I my head it was going to get better and music and drumming helped out humongously with the bullying so if you are thinking of suicide of just need some inspiration search for some help please because you may not know it but if you don't tell anyone about your problem or if you do comit suicide you may not know it but you will be missed and me being someone who has lost 2 people to bullying trust me you feel guilty and hopeless so please tell someone about your problems because you may not care but someone does. SHANE out 

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