Submission 1059

339 10 1

1. What type of bullying did you experience?

At first it was only pushing and shoving, but by the time high school started they began to sexually harass me.

2. How old were you when the bullying started?

It started in sixth grade, so 11.

3. Who bullied you?

Classmates, mostly. But then they dragged in other people that didn't even go to our school.

4. What would the bullies say or do to you?

First they would annoy me by kicking my shins and shoving me into lockers, but at the start ninth grade they began to sexually abuse me, and raped me.

5. How did you feel while being bullied?

I felt like trash. They turned me into an object and used me.

6. How did you feel after being bullied?

I still felt weak. I felt unclean and unpure

7. Did anything help you cope with that feeling?

I started to cut, and I would rub open lemons on them so they would be infected

8. Have you ever self harmed and/or fallen into a state of depression as a result of being bullied?

Yes. Again, I infected my own cuts and I starved myself for a period of time.

9. Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied?

Yes. I've attempted suicide enough times for the mental hospital to be my home away from home. Once I attempted suicide twice in a single day and they had me under constant surveillance. I'm not allowed near razors or ropes, etc

10. Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? Why/why not?

I did at first, but they didn't believe me until they found me collapsed with an empty bottle of pills beside me

11. How long were you bullied for?

All throughout middle and high school

12. Are you still being bullied?

I'm sure I would be, but since then I've been moved to homeschooling, so no.

ADVICE: All I can say is tell someone from the start. I didn't tell anyone anything until eighth grade, two years into it. I wish I had told someone sooner, before things escalated to rape. If I had told someone back in sixth grade, maybe none of that would have happened...

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