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So, one day I was walking to the store to pick up some snacks and I saw two of my neighbors walking down my street, now, mind you in this town I had no friends whatsoever so I didn't really pay any attention, with them I saw this boy (let's call him Assailant) who I did not recognize I assumed he was a high schooler (I was in seventh grade at the time of this story) but at any rate he was on a bike. They kept calling me "Harry Potter" which I didn't find insulting the only reason I found that insulting is because I look nothing like Harry Potter I have glasses but it ends there.

And they invited me to their side of the road, I though they were being friendly, so I came over, And it was all good, but then Assailant decided to start running after me with his bike to start running over my bike. Neighbor #1 started to film it, my voice hadn't changed yet so I had a girlish scream and they laughed at that. I had become fast at running from having an entire town at your throat but my legs were no match for a bike. I had to practically jump onto his handlebars to avoid him crushing my spine.

Living in a redneck town I said something that I knew would really piss him off, "At least I'm not a homo." (I found out later that I'm bi, so, yeah.) we were passing a trailer park on the way to the store and I was so deprived from non-hostile contact from a human I didn't have the good sense to get the hell out.

Assailant disappeared into the trailer park and I kind of broke away from my neighbors.

I actually remember what I bought at the store because of the blood on the logos.

Anyway as I was checking out my Root Beer and jerky stick Neighbor #1 walked in my aisle and said "Are you okay?" So I said "Yeah." and she ran out the door.

While walking in the sore parking lot heading home I heard assailant say "Watch this" and I just looked over in time to see his face before it hit my temple. and I hit the ground, Assailant continued to kick me in the lung on the ground. He kept kicking my stomach and all I could hear was laughing.

I heard someone from the store yell "CASHIER 9-9" which I knew was store speak for "Call 911". A lady I knew from the store asked to give me a ride. And I went along because Assailant fled and if I walked I'd die, and if I was kidnapped I would die. It was kind of a lose-lose situation that ended in a win.

The next day in school I confronted Neighbor #1 and she apologized for the behavior of Assailant.

Two weeks later I walked in on them having sex in the same store's bathroom.

Today, I live in a completely different town and have a fairly considerable following (43 followers) on Wattpad. Also many friends who I exchange war/bullying stories with.

What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?

For me it was mostly physical altercations and teasing because of my feminine nature.

How old were you when the bullying started?

When middle school started, when I was 10.

Who bullied you (please be vague by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)?

Everyone, even the teachers sometimes.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

Mostly like it was just a normal day, I had become desensitized to it after a while but before then I didn't know what was happening, everybody liked me when I was in Elementary school.

How did you feel after being bullied?

I still suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety after this which ended two years ago. And in the thick of it I tried to kill myself no less than 10 times.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? Why/why not?

I told my family and the people who ran the school, my parents told the people who ran the school as well and they did nothing. Mostly because I wanted it to stop.

How long were you bullied for?

About three years.

Are you still being bullied?

Thankfully no, I have a newly lost faith in God and survived the worst summer of my life (whole other story involving robberies and dead dogs just not for now). And I now have an excellent group of friends.

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