Submission 971

533 17 10


My story's a bit different than the rest on here. I was a victim of sexual harassment by multiple people, one who I still don't know to this day. When I was in 6th grade, I went to my computers class and sat between two boys (the seating was boy-girl). One boy I was fine with, he was a kind, funny kid and we talked in that class and our French class a lot. The other kid I tried to ignore. Then, one day, he said I was "hot". I didn't respond to him. He started to make moaning noises, but nothing was directed at anyone, so I felt it wasn't that big of a deal. He's a pre-teen boy, what else could you expect? The next day, he said I was "sexy". I did respond this time, telling him that I had to do my work and asking him to stop talking to me. He said "Okay,baby.", to which I responded by telling him I was not his "baby" and to stop talking to me. He did, for that class. Next time we had computers was when it really started. He leaned over, extremely and uncomfortably close to me, and whispered "I'm gonna f*** you so hard." I jerked my head away, disgusted. I was in 6th grade and trying to do my work on the computer, I didn't need or want to hear that. He started moaning again, then said that his moans would be me. I almost slapped him, this was uncalled for and inappropriate behavior. He kept it up, the comments getting worse each day. Then he started calling me names, s***, wh***, ect. He said he would do anything he had to do to f*** me, making me uncomfortable beyond belief. I started thinking that this was all I was. I was just a toy to them. An object, not a human being. I felt worthless. I got depressed, what's the point if I had no worth to anyone? I stopped fighting back against him, hoping he would get bored and stop. Long story short, he didn't. I felt uncomfortable around any guy, even my friends. I was mostly only talking to girls at this time, I would be too scared when I talked to guys. I didn't tell anyone yet, I felt embarrassed. Like somehow it was my fault that he said these things. At this time, his friend started saying and doing similar things, sometimes worse. I tried to avoid them, but it seemed like they were everywhere. Even my locker got vandalized. Someone carved in "HOE" across the front of my locker during homeroom. I was never in my regular homeroom, I was at chorus, so I had no clue who did it or how it happened. I saw it and almost started crying. It was official, I was an object. I stood in front of my locker until after first period/block started, then my guidance counselor was walking around and saw me. He told me to go to my class, and I said that there was an "issue". I showed him my locker, he got paper and tape quickly and covered it, then sent me to the office, where I spilled everything that happened. I was crying, and whenever I try to talk to a friend about this, I start again. They tried to sand off my locker, but it was carved in too deep, so we had to still cover it. The paper kept getting ripped down, and people started writing on the paper, mostly the same thing on my locker. Every week at least once I had to re-cover my locker. I started telling my friends what happened, and the support I got started to make me feel better. I'm now hanging out with guys like nothing happened. I just told one of my guy-friends vaguely what happened, and he comforted me and promised he would never do anything like that to anyone, which made me feel better to know that he would never do that. In the end, I'm alive and stronger than ever. I'm able to speak my mind and hang out with guys without being worried, and I'm glad to know that I have friends who will help me out through times of need.

ADVICE: I learned that, as cheesy as it sounds, it gets better, As much as I wanted to, I didn't make any drastic decisions, and now I have people who care about me and wouldn't let anything happen to me.

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