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I had just finished my first day oh high school, and it was absolutely horrible. I boy kept coming up to me, with his friends trailing along behind him, and he kept asking me if I wanted to go out with him. Of course I said no, because at the time I was only 13 and I wasn't interested in a relationship.

The next few days went by, and the same boy kept coming up to me and asking me out. I said no every time and he got extremely offended. One day, while scrolling through my Facebook, I get a Facebook message from the boy that kept asking me out.

I didn't even add him as a friend on Facebook so I was wondering how he managed to message me. It turned out one of his friends had hacked into my Facebook and added him. His friend also posted numerous things on my account such as, "I'm going out with him now you guys should be happy". Also he messaged some of my friends and told them that I didn't want to be friends with them anymore and swore at them using words like b*tch, c*nt, f*ckw*t and so on.

I got extremely upset because that day I had lost all my friends due to this boy.

The next day I sat by myself at interval and lunch because my friends didn't like me anymore because of what this boy did. When school had finished that day I was walking home from school and the boy followed me. I pretended I couldn't see or hear him when in fact I could.

I went into my bedroom and started crying for about 3 hours. My parents came home to find me slicing a blade across my wrist. My mom ripped it out of my hands and threw it across my room. She had tears streaming down her face. She didn't understand why I was doing this to myself so I had to tell her. When she found out the whole story, she didn't take it well at all. She started hitting me and kicking me and telling me I was a useless child and I was never going to get what I wanted in life if I couldn't pluck up the courage to tell someone I was getting bullied.

From that day on my parents abused me. My mom wouldn't talk to me or help me cook dinner. My dad had gotten into drug dealing and he was getting wasted every night. I was way too skinny and I was nearly passing out everyday because we didn't have any food or money.

On the day I turned 14 nothing had changed. My parents were still their same old selves. But That night my dad raped me. I cried and cried and cried, but like my mom said I didn't have the courage to tell anyone and get my horrible parents arrested.

The days went by and my dad would try to rape me almost everyday.

I would come to school with bruises and cuts everywhere ( from my Parents and myself ). Nobody wanted to be friends with

'The girl with ugly scars' so I was stuck by myself for the rest of the year. I would get bullied everyday by my classmates.

In the end, I had had enough of everything so I rang the police and my parents were arrested for drug dealing and child abuse.

I was put in an adoption centre. I wansnt there for very long until a family adopted me. They said they didn't mind the scars I had because it meant these were just my battle scars. They were extremely happy that I stopped self harming and I am quite proud of myself.

The bullying has stopped as I have moved country and I have made so many new friends that don't care that I have scars. They are just Happy to have me as a friend and I'm happy to have them.

ADVICE: Just remember that suicide or self harm isn't the answer. It may feel like it's helping but it definitely doesn't. Your not only hurting yourself but the others around you. Stay strong beautiful xx

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