Submission 845

585 15 10

What type of bullying did I experience? 

Teasing, Name calling, abuse/physical contact.

How old was I when the bullying started? 

about 4 years old

Who bullied me? 

Parents, teacher, friends

What would the bullies say and/or do to me? 

Parents: Abused me and called me a worthless human being. Friends: called me things like 'bitch' and 'a chicken'. Teacher: hurt me on my forehead for no apparent reason.

How did I feel while I was being bullied? 

Hurt, like I was being used, that I had no place in the world. Everywhere I went was terrible for me- since I moved 5 times in my life.

Did anybody cope me while being bullied? 

Yes, my best friend. She would say quotes to me and say things like, "God made us alive for amazing things, he made you concur this and be free afterward."

Have I ever self-harmed and/or fallen into a state of depression as a result of being? 

Yes- I'm currently in a state of depression, and I feel like shit all the time- it sucks. I have considered self-harm, but my parents would abuse me more if I did so I try to stay away from it.

Have I ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied? 

Not exactly. If you consider yourself thinking of way I could kill myself, then yes.

Have I told anyone I know that I was being bullied? Why/ Why Not? 

Yes, my parents, because I believed that they cared for me. Best friend, because she was being bullied as well and she was really the only one I could talk to.

How long was I bullied for? 

About 8 years

Am I still being bullied? 

Yes, I am getting abused more by my parents.

QUESTION: Only 3 people care for me in my life (Best Friend, Grandma and Papa (Lives in Michigan as I live in Arizona), and since I only have my best friend, I don't have any idea of how to express myself. I pretend to be someone I'm not. I don't have anyone that care for me. How do I get out of depression- I feel like it will never escape my body.


Stand up for yourself and for others if they are being bullied. Always look for help. I've tried everyone I knew well and asked for help, but if you can't find someone, sometimes, the person you need is right in front of you. Have HOPE: Hold, On, Pain, Ends.


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