Submission 906

801 11 5

The bulling has only reall started recently. It started at the beginning of year 7(start of this year). I get bullied in class. Name calling, not fitting in, always being the outcast. I always seem to hide in the back corner of the classroom always being quiet and not joining in on class activities. I started self harming and even though my parents know about it and I know that I can talk to them anytime it still helps.

My so called friend don't help at all they always are angry at me at me and most of the time I don't even know why. I also recently started smoking it relieves the stress my parent don't know about me smoking.

Everyone's main question to me is why are you always so quiet? And I am always quiet because I hide. I try and hide from them and I hide from myself. The bullying still continues and I am sick of it. I hope that anyone that is being bullied like me can stick up for yourself and if you haven't started self harming plz try not to self harm there are other soloist ions. Other ways you can get help

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