Story 350

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Hello! My name is Callum TG Wright and I was bullied for doing something because I did something I simply enjoyed: YouTube. People called my gay, stupid, useless, worthless, nothing, cunt, dick, asshole, fat, ugly and loads more. I'm still being bullied by nearly everybody except my class and other friends but the rest of the year does. They say I should give up, but I want to get to 1000 subs, so I can flip them off.

People bullied me in primary school as well but I have a story about primary vs now. There was these two twins called T1 and T2. T2 was always nice to me and everyone else, but T1 treated me like crap in primary school. I didn't know they were bullying me and once I did, I didn't care. Then one day, now, a year after primary ended, my best friend and him went to another school. One day my bff brought him over to our street. Me and, who I thought was t2 talked for ages before I realised it was T1 and he was being so sweet. I'm pretty sure he's gay...

Then I started choir. I meet a friend who had been in a theatre show with me there. Obviously this guy called B1 wasn't happy I was becoming a better singer, person and more popular than him, so he started being mean to me, and calling me dumb, and saying my school was crap. Nobody else saying mean things to me hurt me, but this did. I'm pretty sure he's being kicked out tho so yay!

Okay... So when I came out to my friend, he told the whole school and everyone except my group and class made fun of me for liking boys. Fucking assholes. My "friend" F1 started saying stuff like, give girls a chance and gays are wrong, the bible says, blah blah homophobe stuff. She calls me a bad singer even if I can sing at a grade 5 standard and is really vain.

And that's really it. I get made fun of and I don't actually give a shit. Neither should you!

Wattpad- CallumTGWrightBooks

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