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I was a young lad in primary school, full of ignorance and bliss. Until the popular people ruined my parade. The popular people weren't those stereotypical high school girls, no, this was elementary school obviously, so we had ghetto groups. (This is not directed toward a certain race, please do not be offended if you fit the description of ghetto, the people associated with me were rude and is not you.)

So, I had friends, not a total loner, let's call this one, Friend, Friend was my best friend and we did everything together, (we even talked about pads!)

I was walking to lunch, being naive as usual, until I learnt that Friend had defended me against the popular ones because they called me 'stupid' It was true to be honest, I swore for no reason and asked the most stupidest questions.

Only then, did I learn that she was once raped in her own house. It wasn't once, it was multiple, her dad's acquaintance lived in her house temporarily and after her dad found out, wham, kicked out.

It was sad because I didn't do anything, all I did was ask if she was okay, she said yes and my mood darkened. I was a bystander.

Now another story, due to lice, I had to stay home for a week. When I came back, people stared at me and whispered behind my back, I felt as if I was going to die, in fact, I wanted to die. It felt like I should go back home and stay there, hiding from the insults.

Another wild friend appeared! Let's call her, Bully, (yes, I have a lot of girlfriends but not like dating friends but friends that are girls, just in case you mix up the term.) Bully said behind my back, "We should stop being her friend." It hurt so much because she was also one of MY friends. After that, Bully 2 joined in and pretended that every time she touched me, she would be disgusted.

I cried for a day.

Because everyone else acted like that too.

However, I didn't tell everyone, I didn't want to become a tattle tail.

This was for about 2 years I would say, Friend eventually became a bystander because of peer pressure and teacher didn't find out. Friend became just 'classmate' and left me alone to go with the popular crowd.

Are you wondering if I ever wanted to suicide? I did, not at that age though, maybe I have thoughts have suicide or fall into a state of depression now. I'm currently not bullied anymore, thank god, and I found real friends. Well not really, I just slap on a smile and pretend they're my friends.

Some advice I would love to give is, DON'T DO IT. This can be interpreted in many ways, but my main way is Don't Lose Who You Are.

My favorite quote is, "I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody." ― Abraham Lincoln

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