Story 191

606 20 2

I have been bullied because of my weight. i have also been bullied because i am farm girl. i was bullied because i dressed different than the other girls. i am tom boy i get bullied for that too. i also get bullied because i am not the most richest kid in my town. The kids and their parents amke fun of me because i dress alot differnt from the other kids... i almost commited suicide because of the teasing and stuff but i had some amazing friends that talked me out of it... and i thank goof everyday because of what they did.. i never thought it could go so far..but i was wrong.. my cousin commited suicide because of the kids bullying him... i just hope that those kids realize how dangerous it is .... bullying is not cool nor will it ever be... think before you speak please and if you see it happening say something or ry to stop it.... you never know you coud save a life and make a new friend!

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