Submission 1022

453 6 2

My parents hit me and yell at me. Every day they tell me about how much of a bad child I am. They've called me fat, stupid, ugly, retarded, and crazy. It can get hard to love myself when every day you get told how unworthy you are of happiness. The hitting started when I was around 3. I didn't pay attention to my mom at church and she dragged me to the bathroom and then slapped me. My face started to bleed and so people don't know what happened she gave me some tissues and dragged me to another room and I hid under the table. Since that day I have been hit with belts, shoes, hangers, hands, a broom, a remote, and a plate. I can't leave or else they might find me and I'm scared that they'll even kill me. No one at school knows this and I'm bullied there too. They call me stupid, fat, ugly, and god knows what else. When I say I hate my family people look at me with disgust and say I should be happy I have one. People have even told me 'I don't like people who don't like their family' I'm not even sure if this counts as bullying. 

QUESTION: How do I escape this alive without putting my family in jail?

ADVICE: If you suffer from domestic abuse get help. Get help for the people like me who can't.

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