Story 463

385 16 7

Hello there!

I understand that you may or may not choose my story, because I think a lot of people are probably submitting forms to you. But I hope you at least read my story!

My name is Spottie, I mean, I can't tell you my real name, because....well.....this is social media.


My story isn't one that you bullied people will relate to. In comparison to all these stories that include cutting, suicidal thoughts and actions, and everything like that, (also I'm very very very sorry to those that have things like that).

I'm just not the type of person that would EVER hurt themselves. Once when I was little, I discovered a razor. I was four, maybe three. At first I ran my fingers along the blades. I remember thinking how incredibly smooth they were. Surprisingly, there was no pain.

At first.

Let's just say a lot of band aids were needed that night. Now I'm kind of afraid of blades like that.


Event one

This happened to me in Jr. High. I was a seventh grader that decided to join track. Track! I thought. A sport I might actually be good at! I can run, can't I!

(Actually, I sucked at track, but that doesn't matter because I enjoy band a lot more :3)

There were two girls there. Well, lots of girls. But the two I'm talking about for some reason liked to tease me?

Not-so-random-fact: I LOVE cats. Therefore, I had a slightly beat up t shirt with three cats on it, that coincidentally looked a lot like my real cats at home. I told my friend about this earlier in the year.

One day, at practice.....

Girl 1: (in very very very sweet voice) Oh, are those your cats? Domeo, Lewey and....some other name....?

Me: cat's names are Romeo, Dewey, and Melody.

Girl 2: *says inappropriate thing about the cats*



Random bystander that thinks Girl 1 and 2 are funny: Heeeey, are those Lewey and Domio?

Me: ..........

This happened many more times.

At first, I didn't even know what was happening. I've never been bullied before. When they were teasing me, I always gave them the benefit of the doubt, telling myself things like "They don't know they're making me feel bad. They don't know that when they say things, and others catch on, it makes me feel left out and sad and stupid all at the same time."

Of course they did! Otherwise they wouldn't do event two. But that's another story.

Finally, after the thousandth girl asked about "Lewey" and "Domio", I snapped.

"You guys might think it's funny!" I growled. "But I don't. So stop! Stop saying things about my shirt!"

The random girl looked surprised.

"Oh, okay." She said. And the rest of the group never said anything again. They were the ones that didn't know they were hurting me. Only 1 and 2 were.

EVENT 2 (I'm sorry this is so long for something that is so inferior to other stories!)

We were at a track meet. I was watching my friend run her race, waiting for her to be done so we could both laugh to each other about how we were gonna go and grab nachos after that. (What can I say, nachos are fabulous)

I hadn't noticed this before, but Girl 1 and Girl 2 had snuck up behind me.

My friend was running faster and faster, about to finish. "Go Friend!" I yelled.

Then, something shoved the back of my knee. Surprised and caught off guard, I fell to my knees.

That's when I got mad.

I whipped around, seething, just to see my two favorite people. Girl 1 and 2.

"Who did it?!!!?" I demanded. "Who?!?!"

Girl 2 looked genuinely surprised. "What?"

"She pushed your knee!" Said Girl 1, smirking. IT WAS A LITERAL SMIRK, I KID YOU NOT.

"What?! No, she did!" Girl 2 argued. I studied them both for a second. They both had faint smiles on their faces.

I decided to make a decision.

"It was Girl 1." I said. When she started protesting, and Girl 2 laughing, I continued.

"Now stop! If it was Girl 2 then......then....." I didn't know what to say. "Just stop!"

And they did.

The end!

I know my story isn't as hard-core as everybody else's, but I was still hurt. I want to give a big shoutout to ANYONE who has been bullied, but survived through it, or even is surviving through it! I sincerely love you all!

Please stay happy, and get through it. I promise you'll have a better life because of it.

As Tswift said,

"Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate... SO SHAKE IT OFF, SHAKE IT OFF!!!!"


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