Story 354

410 14 4

It all started in 6th grade.. I'm the quiet one the one that doesn't want people to notice her. I'd rather be in the background than the center of attention. I had lost one of my beloved (suicide) friends to bullying. I didn't talk to anyone for the first 2 months of school until my best friend , lets call her GIRL1, came along she pulled me out of the hole I dug myself.. I'm not the prettiest girl alive.. I get called ugly on a daily basis.. Getting pushed in the halls.. I had/have acne and that was what they always talked about.. I would get threatened at least once a month to get beaten up. I eventually told my mom and dad and they went to the principal at my school. That only made it worse.. I dealt with it until summer.. The bullying has been so bad that it caused us to move..

One night GIRL1 was spending the night at my house. While these girls were having a huge sleep over. I was invited suprisingly.. Since I didn't go and GIRL1 was spending the night at my house they got mad and oh they sent their fire-ing squad on us... It started with snapchat... Telling me how ugly and stupid I am and also how my ex boyfriend only wanted to get in my pants. Then it went to Kik messages.. The texts went on and on telling me the things I already had known.

That night and the nights following I felt powerless and ugly. I already know I'm ugly but it's hard hearing it from one of my old friends that I told all my secrets to and trusted with all my heart. I cried my eyes out... I had anorexia for about a year before my cousin helped me out of it.. I didn't eat for 2 days After this happened..

I still get bullied.. I hate myself still.. But I guess I learned a lesson from all of this. I've always have had trust issues but now they are worse. I feel like I'm the only one that they hurt and bully. I want them to feel the way I feel. So bad. I want them to know what they did to me..

Date this occurred


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