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Hi. So I'm Josie. I guess I should start this with i was mostly cyber bullied recently but originally it was physical bullying. So when I was in preschool there was this kid who shall be referred to as bully1. So I was a huge tomboy. As in, all my friends were guys and I would have rather played with plastic tools than dolls. Honestly his is what made me change. So he kept calling me a boy and told my friend he was a girl and to stay away from them. So my friend and I were looking at a dinosaur picture book and the guys popped out from behind the bookshelf and screamed something I don't remember and punched us both in the face. Granted now it probably wouldn't hurt but to a four year old so yeah. But they continued to call us names until we got out of that hellhole. Honestly I hated it.

So when I got to about second grade I was officially at the girliest I've ever been. My best friends turned out to be jerks and bullied me through about sixth grade. Those years are arguably the low point in my life to anyone else but my best friend and I met because of them being jerks so I didn't notice it very much after a while.

This is the most recent: I was at summer camp and the girls I went with met some guys. And from my history you, the reader can see where this is going. So they met these guys and because I was too awkward to meet new people I hung out with them. And the leader of this group was twelve, the same age my little brother was. And was flirting with coucillors. Yep. This councillor called crazy COUNSELOR1 ((who is the coolest)) told us to stay away from them. At this point I was already avoiding them because they had been saying stuff to me and I just quit. And my "friends" turned on me and hung out with them. And then they bullied this group of kids who I was hanging out with because they were different. At this point I was done and screamed at them and yeah... Don't let people get to you. 

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