Story 282

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The bullying started in 7th grade. 7th grade is when all the five elementary schools combine to middle school. In our middle school their were only two grades.(7th and 8th) All my friends said these two guys supposedly "liked" me. I sat by them in band so I would see them everyday. One day they started telling me that the world would be better if I would go jump off a cliff and die. They called me many names. Some of the names they called me were whore and a dirty slut. My friends told me we would get married. That's what I hated the most that I didn't have the guts to tell anyone. Also, one day some guy that I barely know sent me audio messages of him telling me stuff he hated about me. I don't see my dad much but for some reason he picked me up from school and he was in a bad mood and he asked me "Why are you being an ugly bitch today?" Then the next morning one of my really close friends told me that I look sad and I shouldn't be because I have no pain in my life. Those are the things that made me depressed. I wasn't very confident anyways, so all this made me have no self-esteem. I thought maybe if I changed the way I looked people wouldn't bully me. So I stopped eating and I lost a lot of weight. I still didn't feel like I was beautiful though. Suddenly the summer was over and it was the morning of the first day of school. I was nervous that people would hate how I looked so I thought of excuses of ways to get out of going to school. I thought about killing myself just so I wouldn't have to go to school. Somehow, I went to school and it was better than I thought it would be. My friends were there and that is what made my day bearable. Now, I'm doing way better. I started eating again and out of all the friends that left me through the years I found one true friend that I believe will stay forever. I'm not as confident as I should be but confident enough to get out of the house. If you are reading this I want you to know pain is pain. Everyone has pain. Wherever you are right now, I'm sure someone else is going through a lot of pain to and just know that you are never alone and you have a right to feel the way you do.

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