Story 413

292 18 3

I was in grade 3 at the time and I had this old cranky teacher. She thought I was a 'misbehaved child' because of my various disabilities such as ADHD and OCD. I would fidget with things on my desk and get all nervous if things aren't neet and organised. It started early in the school year and she would tell me to stop doing whatever I was doing at the time. I would AAU I can't help it, because I really can't help it. She would call me a liar and say all I have to do is stop moving. This would make me nervous so I would do it more. Through the school year it got worse and worse. I would try to tell her how I'm not trying to be destracting but she would have none of it. Eventually she stared getting more aggressive, so I responded back with aggression being the kid in grade 3 I was. Things got so out of hand that I started to trash the classroom when I can't hold back my anger anymore. O would get detention and expention for sometimes a week or two. At the end of the school year my parents got me out of that school and put me in another one where I thought that I still had to defend myself against people who don't understand. I'm 16 now and because of the crap in grade 3 I now have trust issues and I'm overly protective of myself. I'm not bullied today, but on the odd time people call me a freak or a sketch because I bite peoples ears off when they tell me that my fidgeting is annoying. 

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