Submission 748

692 14 3

When I was 9 in grade 3 I started a new school, I was shy, and nervous at the time, but I was self-confident. When I got to school and the teacher asked me my name I had to say it 3 times before she got it right, the other kids laughed at me and started taunting me by using the names the teacher said. Eventually in grade 5 people started ignoring me, tripping me, calling me fat,ugly,stupid,slut, and a whore. When I was in grade 6 I started cutting, I would wake up and think "ugh I'm still alive wow" I would go to school get bullied, go home and cut. I stopped eating when I was 10 1/2 because I thought I was fat, I wasn't fat at all.

Eventually I transferred to my best friends school and now I'm happy, ish, I'm still depressed, I still have nightmares, I'm still scared, but atleast I'm not at the other school.


Name calling

Some physical alterations

I was 9 when the bullying started

My old friends, my classmates

The bullying made me feel weak, pathetic, a waste of space, like I was useless

I didn't let it show, I didn't let them see how much they hurt me because I wanted to prove them wrong

Yes I have self harmed and I fell into a deep depression at the age of 11 and it has stayed that way since now, it was all because of the bullying

I wanted to kill myself multiple times, once when I was 10 I thought about wether I was worth it, when I was 11 I almost killed myself, my best friend saved me.

Yes I did, because that's what they tell you to do at school. Tell an trusted adult.

No I moved schools, though I fear in high school next year I will be bullied again.

ADVICE: Let them see you cry, let them see you hurt, but don't react, don't fight back because that's what they want, they want your attention, don't talk to the bullies and help people getting bullied.

If teachers say that they will help but they don't, get one of your parents to call the superintendent, that will help a lot.

If you think it's the worst it can possible get, it can get better.

Suicide isn't the answer it may seem like it is at the time.

Bullies probably have self-esteem issues, like you more than a friend should, or simply hate you, try to find out which one.

If you can embaress them or fight back, if you know it won't get u into trouble with your bullies.

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