Submission 952

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Hey, so, it all started when I was 7 years old, my brother and sister used to tell me that I was worthless, that I was adopted and I was an accident. In school everything was Ok, I had good friends and they respected me and me either to them. When I was in 4th grade my sister stopped calling me by weird names and offending me, but my brother didn't.

The years past and in 2013 I gain I can say a good amount of weight, so my brother started calling me 'fatso', asshole, big head, bitch, etc. I didn't complain at first, I was used to it.

In August of 2014 I started 7th grade were I met my 2 best friends, they were supportive and were always there for me. In the meantime, my brother started punching me in the stomach and sometimes in the ribs, I remember that that same day, my mom told me that I indeed was an accident, at first it didn't affect me, but then my brother keep bullying me, it was awful, I started having suicide thoughts, my parents didn't give a crap so my only source of hope was my school, I remember that when I was there I was so happy and I could do whatever I wanted to, but then I had to change school and that when I started being bullied at school, plus my brother at home. They still keep doing it, although I keep my head up, knowing that 1 day things will be better.

Thanks for reading :)

ADVICE: Please don't give up, things at some point will get better, smile :) life is beautiful

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