Submission 913

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Hey. From what I know, you're just a reader reading this. But PLEASE! Please take this into your mind! I know it may sound a bit stupid, but it's true.

Bullies do have feelings. They aren't those stuck-up-snobs. That's a stereo-type. How do I know?

I was a bully.

Keyword: WAS

Everytime I picked on someone, I could feel their pain. It also hurt me inside. It hurt like one million punches to the gut.

Why didn't I stop?, you may ask?

I couldn't. My body was out of control. A timer waiting to be set off.

People were afraid of me. I know some of you want to be that cut-throat girl or boy that everyone fears, but trust me. You don't want to be feared.

It makes you fear yourself inside little-by-little too.

When I was a bully, at first I thought it was fun. But then I saw the fear in my victims eyes. I know people say 'don't trust people online. You never know who they are.', but I need you to trust me right now.

If you get bullied, do anything to drive them away.

Let's say you're 7 years old again and playing hopscotch. A group of 3 boys come up and start kicking your beanbag off of the squares.

|Before you move onto what I say next, think about what you would generally do.|

I'm guessing (but this isn't true for all), you would get upset and start to yell and/or attack them. But don't do that. Continue playing what you were. Even if the bully holds you still, calls you names, gets in your way, continue with whatever you were doing. Maybe just plain-old confuse them!

This will drive the bully off 98% of the time.

I'm hopeful you'll listen to my advice, but you don't have to. Thanks for reading this, if you made it this far.

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