Submission 809

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I am 17 years old and a senior in high school and my name is Megan, I've been bullied ever since 2nd grade. I've been the girl who was always heavyset and that was people's target towards me. I never really could accept myself and my body type until 7th grade because that is the first year I took weight lifting class and now I can bench 175 pounds and deadlift 365 pounds so I guess people started seeing it wasn't a good idea to make fun of me but they still did. I've been called fat, whale, etc regarding my weight but I've also been called a slut, ugly, and I've been told to put a bag over my head. The bulling was bad in elementary school and middle school but it got better in high school since I was able to accept myself to and other people finally accepted me but the kids on the bus were ruthless and never ending. I told my bus driver and he never believed me so instead of socializing with my friends because of the constant name calling i would hear I'd put my headphones in and ignore them but it kept happening and it was a never ending cycle. The worst year was my sophomore year of high school because with dealing with all the bulling I was also dealing with the realization that I was falling in love with my best friend who unfortunately she had already had a girlfriend and I knew I had no chance with her which was breaking my heart into pieces so with the stress of all of this I became depressed and sucked into my horrible thoughts and voices I began cutting myself and thinking about suicide, I was afraid and couldn't deal, I had no one to talk to and I couldn't talk to my parents because they wouldn't understand, I came out as bisexual my freshman year and I still haven't told them I just can't tell them. My junior year the bulling kept on going so I just got so feed up with it I went to my school counselors and they made an appointment for me to see my school principals with my friends who were also being bullied we told them everything that was going on, they suspended the 3 boys who were the problem for 2 weeks each and kicked them off the bus for 2 weeks each, when they had come back they had to sit in the front of the bus for the rest of the time. I've never had a bulling problem since then.

ADVICE: If your someone being bullied at school and you think that the teachers or anyone won't listen or help it's a total lie, I thought them same way until I told someone at my school and they went to their full extent to help me and I am so greatful for it and I am a happier person and I'm in a much better place now so NEVER EVER keep quite you NEED to tell someone if you want help.

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