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Hi my name is Samantha and I'm so glad I can share my story. My bullying started in 5th grade. Me and my friends were odd ones. We played Charmed and had overactive imaginations. Our minds were constantly in another reality. In 5th grade we just got the normal name calling bullcrap. In 6th grade it took a turn for the worst. Me and my 3 other musketeers were a click that no one could break. We stood up for each other all the time. One time a girl dumped out all of our purses all over the floor. We got criticized for singing in class and all kinds of stuff. I admit I antagonized a lot of the bullies because I couldn't take it anymore. I called one girl a bitch and she started following me to my classes. She tripped me a few times, pushed me into lockers. Another girl chased me into a bathroom and started punching me. Not only did I experience bullying in school but at home as well. My dad constantly had something to say about my weight, my hair, my clothes, my makeup, how much I ate, my grades. When I attempted suicide, I went into the hospital for a few days and the bullying got worse. I was made out to be a suicidal freak, got told to slit my wrists, hang myself, get it over with. Every where I went I got bullied. I go to a small school now and haven't been bullied in the past year and I live with my mom now thank goodness.

ADVICE: Don't give into the bullies. Stand up for yourself. Don't let them get the best of you. Surround yourself with positive friends. :)

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