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Bullyife has been awful. Everyone hates on me.

It started so young 5,so innocent, people would pull my hair and call me a stupid waste of space. The thing about me was, they where 7 th graders.

As I got older I got fatter, the bullies stopped physically bullying me,but the verbal and cyber bullying was enough to get anyone suisidal.

My dad was the meanist. Told me to lull myself and if it was legal he would have stabbed me.

He is the kind of guy to do so, my mom has always been overprotective of me.

I am now a teenager, and am not aloud to be out with friends.

My mom drives me crazy, and my dad and sister make me cut.

Horrible names are used, and my sister can hit me, but I can't hit her.

I use sissors, to cut. My bully is the most popular guy and girl at school.

Bully 1 (the girl) will always be the girl whom is mean to people, (mainly me)

Bully 2 (the guy) treats me and the poor girls like toys.

Tells all the guys dirty smack about all of us.

Like how my friend lost her V tag young, yeah it's true but the girl was raped.

I feel like there is no place to call my home, like the world has its dog after me.

I want to die, I feel like suiside. I think I shall do it.

This humiliation has traled far enough!!!!!


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