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During elementary school, life was great. Everyone was nice to me and I never had a problem with anyone.

But that all changed in 5th grade.

People would stop talking to me either to be part of the "popular kids" or because they just thought I was weird and didn't want to talk to me anymore. I was left with only a few friends who went through the same thing.

Then things just got worse after my birthday passed in 6th grade. There was this girl who was my friend in 5th grade but then in after my birthday passed in 6th grade, she just ignored me and looked at me like I was trash. I found out from my best friend that she never liked me and only used me because I used to be close to everyone in the grade. I guess she thought I was "popular" at the time.

(Btw my school was from K-8)

The girl then started doing much worse than just giving me death stares. She started spreading rumors about me saying I'm a b**ch who no one should hang out with.

Thankfully, my friends didn't believe her but what really made me mad is that they were still friends with her yet they knew she was bullying me.

Then 7th grade came around, my best friend and I were fighting about stupid things. And my bully kept encouraging it. Like one time, during lunch I went to the bathroom and when I came back I couldn't find my lunchbox and everybody knows you take my food and you pay. Then I noticed my best friend and the bully snickering and I found out, they took my lunchbox. I snatched it from them, stomping off, and they continued laughing.

I know that sounds stupid getting mad over but that was really immature of them and uncalled for.

Also every minute during 7th grade, I felt like my best friend was betraying me because she would always hang out with her and ignore me. AND to make things worse the bully was talking about my best friend behind her back but my best friend knew that yet they were friends.

I don't get society anymore😒

Also to make things worse, there was a guy my best friend and I used to talk to and was chill at first. But it gets better *note the sarcasm*, he then completely turns into a conceited jerk. He didn't care about how me and my best friend felt and would call us weird and annoying.

So we said bye to him 🖐🏽

Then 8th grade came around and everything got better. I learned to not care what others would say, my best friend and I stopped fighting, and my best friend stopped talking to my bully. My bully would still talk badly about me but I learned to brush it off. But it was still a bad beginning of the year because my best friend moved to another neighborhood to a new school and I was in a class where I had none of my friends in, only like three girls were chill.

Also I was in a class with annoying conceited boys who I just couldn't stand.

Towards the end of the year I was allowed to sit with other classes during lunch so I sat with my closer friends from my other classes. Which was so much better because I couldn't stand hearing whining from girls in my class about people they hate and being left out of conversations.

I'm so glad I graduated and got out of there.

Then something happened at the beginning of the summer that just ended between me and my crush and......lets just say since then I never want to admit that I like anyone ever again. I don't want to talk about it because it's very embarrassing and hurtful.

But enough of that, I'm now a freshman and I love my high school. I made so many new friends, fully gained confidence in myself, and my teachers are great.

ADVICE: I guess what doesn't kill you, does make you stronger. (Kelly Clarkson reference ;))

Just know that the pain is just temporary, it'll all go away once you find your true friends and in an environment where you feel like you belong in. Don't let anybody drag you down, because they just want to see you fall. You just gotta pick yourself up, put your head up high, and kill them with your best comeback with a smile.

One day they're going to get a taste in their own medicine while you'll be succeeding in life.

Stay strong everybody♡

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